How To Find SEO Clients as an SEO Agency in 2024
2024-05-06·25 Min Read
by Daniel Zhao

How To Find SEO Clients as an SEO Agency in 2024

Table Of Contents

  1. Key Takeaways
  2. Identify an Ideal Potential Client Profile for Your SEO Services
  3. Establish Your SEO Agency Positioning
  4. Find Triggers to Land New SEO Clients
  5. Build Social Proof and Credibility to Attract Clients
  6. Conduct Potential Clients Research at Scale
  7. Reach Out to Qualified Leads
  8. Measure and Optimize Your SEO Lead Generation Strategy
  9. Get More SEO Leads with AI-Powered Prospecting
  10. How to Find SEO Clients with LavaReach AI
  11. FAQs

Let's be honest, the process of finding and closing new SEO clients as an SEO agency is absolutely brutal. Do you know how many companies offer SEO services? Over 184,000 digital marketing agencies in the U.S. alone! Not all of them are SEO companies per se but they do offer SEO services, and you will have to cut through the noise to attract potential clients. Prospective clients get bombarded from every angle by generic cold outreach, with the average office worker receiving 120 emails per day according to Harvard Business Review.

So if you really want to stand out and consistently convert more SEO leads into clients, you need a very strong combination of hyper-targeted data, intelligent automation, and actual personalization at scale. "Hi {XYZ}, saw you're doing {ABC}" won't cut it. You need to be operating from a position of credibility and insight right out of the gates. In this guide, I will show you exactly how to find more SEO clients in your target market.

Key Takeaways

  • Define your ideal client profile: Clearly define your ideal potential SEO clients profile based on industry, company size, location, and more. Use keyword research to understand how they search for SEO services and their pain points.
  • Establish a distinct positioning: Differentiate your SEO company with a unique value proposition highlighting your specialized SEO expertise, proprietary tools, methodologies or culture.
  • Monitor for trigger events: Identify trigger events like new websites, rebranding, or product launches that signal an acute need for SEO services. Use AI tools like LavaReach to efficiently monitor for these triggers among potential SEO clients.
  • Build social proof: Showcase detailed case studies, client testimonials, awards, proprietary assets and media features to build trust and credibility when trying to offer SEO services to potential clients.
  • Research prospects in-depth: Go beyond basic company info and uncover potential SEO clients' challenges, priorities, decision makers and processes. Offer free SEO audits highlighting areas like technical SEO issues to demonstrate value.
  • Perfect your outreach: Craft hyper-personalized multi-channel sequences referencing your research into each SEO client's situation to break through the noise.
  • Continuously optimize: Rigorously track metrics like SEO leads volume, conversion rates and acquisition costs.

Identify an Ideal Potential Client Profile for Your SEO Services

I really want to scream from the top of my lungs how important it is to have a clearly defined ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) for any business, not just SEO service agencies. Having a clearly defined ideal potential client profile is the foundation for effective prospecting and long-term business growth. A well defined ICP allows you to develop tailored lead gen strategies that actually resonate, generate interest, and drive real SEO leads.

Start by getting hyper-specific on your target audience parameters like:

  • Industry / Niche: What specific verticals are you best positioned to serve based on your specialized SEO expertise? For example, law firms, SaaS companies, e-commerce retailers, etc.
  • Company Size: What's the revenue range and employee headcount of your ideal clients? Startups, mid-market, enterprise? There are different pain points and budgets to consider.
  • Location: Are you targeting local businesses in a specific city/region or taking a national/global approach? Geo-targeting allows for localized SEO strategy and messaging.

These are also known as firmographic segments, a good way to retroactively figure out if a segment is good or not is to look at their retention, or their willingness to pay.

Firmographic Segments
Company SizeCustomer
<100 Employees34%Tech67%NAM67%
100 - 1000 Employees88%Financial Services65%LATAM19%
1000 - 5000 Employees66%Health Care51%EMEA27%
5000 Employees +52%Other29%APAC21%

After you've narrowed your target audience, validate and enrich those parameters through keyword research. Use your favorite SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, Moz, etc. to:

  • Identify high-value keywords your audience is searching around "SEO services", "location SEO agency", etc. What's the intent behind these queries?
  • Analyze search volumes and trends to gauge demand levels
  • See how competitors are positioning themselves for these keywords
  • Uncover related topics and content ideas you should cover

This keyword research helps you better understand the language of your potential SEO clients. You can then map those insights into richer buyer personas. LavaReach automates most of this research with AI, for example, we have a SEO Ranking research tool that automatics generate a SEO keyword that a prospective client should be ranking for, and then surfaces the prospect’s ranking for that keyword.

SEO Ranking research tool.

The results you get? Every prospect has a unique keyword relevant to their business that they should be ranking for, and their current actual ranking. This type of information is extremely valuable when you’re doing cold outreach, if you know how to use it.

Relevant keywords and SEO ranking positions of prospects.

An effective potential client persona for your ideal SEO client should cover:

  • Demographics: Important firmographics like company size, industry, annual revenue, headcount, locations etc.
  • Goals and Objectives: What is this persona's top priorities and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)? For example, increasing online conversions, launching new products/services, etc.
  • Challenges and Pain Points: What are the biggest bottlenecks, inefficiencies and struggles they currently face that an SEO agency could help solve? For example, dropping organic traffic, poor local listings visibility, lack of technical SEO resources, etc. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients.
  • Information Sources: How does this ICP prefer to consume information? What publications, blogs, social media channels, conferences or networking events are they tapped into related to SEO?
  • Buying Process: What is their typical evaluation and buying cycle for a new SEO agency? Who is involved in the decision making process?

By combining your initial target audience findings with keyword research, you'll be in a good position to develop an effective strategy for your outbound SEO lead generation.

Establish Your SEO Agency Positioning

In my experience helping SEO agencies with lead gen, with so much noise and competition, having a distinct and compelling position is everything.

Your positioning and key differentiators will shape every aspect of your SEO lead generation efforts. From who you target as ideal SEO clients to how you craft your sales messaging and creative. Get it right and you'll attract SEO clients that are perfect-fit like a magnet. Get it wrong and you'll blend with other SEO agencies.

So let's lay the groundwork for a strong positioning strategy to land SEO clients faster:

Step 1: Define the unique value proposition of your SEO company.

What makes your SEO agency distinctly different and more valuable than the countless other digital marketing agencies and SEO consultations out there? It could be:

  • A specialized SEO expertise or knowledge for a particular niche/industry
  • Proprietary tools and technology for advanced technical SEO
  • A specific SEO methodology or framework you pioneered
  • Your agency's unique culture, values and service delivery

Dig deep here. You're looking for clear "only us" differentiators! Differentiators that instantly communicate concrete value add. Stay away from generic claims that commoditize you! Things like "we increase rankings and traffic!"

For example, maybe your differentiated positioning is:

"At XYZ, we get it, the online world is fiercely competitive. That's why our team digs deep to really understand your business and your competitors. Using advanced AI alongside human insights, we uncover the content driving your competitor's success. Then we craft a personalized SEO strategy to bring that valuable organic traffic your way, allowing your business to thrive."

This positioning is easy to understand and it signals expertise your potential clients won't find anywhere else and a strategic, data-driven SEO methodology.

Step 2: Identify peak challenges of your prospective clients.

Onto the next step! Along with your differentiated value prop, you need to intimately understand the peak challenges and pain points your ideal SEO client persona is dealing with. This will allow you to position your SEO services as the perfect solution.

Perhaps your ICP is in-house SEO content marketing teams drowning in tactical execution with limited bandwidth. So your positioning could be:

"At XYZ, we understand the challenges of managing a comprehensive content marketing program in-house. That's why our team of SEO specialists is here to support you. We'll handle the heavy lifting of on-page optimization, technical audits, content strategy and more, freeing up your team to focus on driving high-level strategy and creative ideation. Together, we'll ensure your SEO efforts are firing on all cylinders."

Or maybe you're targeting over-stretched digital marketing leaders who lack SEO expertise and resources. In that case, your positioning is:

"Feeling stretched thin as a digital marketing leader? SEO is crucial, but building an in-house team is a huge undertaking. Our agency will be your caring, capable SEO partners, blending proven SEO strategies with our powerful tech stack. Leave the heavy lifting to us while you focus on driving growth. No more stressing over hiring and training an entire specialized team."

See how those angles are speaking directly to the target persona's most pressing challenges? That's ultimately what will make your SEO lead generation engine resonate.

Step 3: Create a differentiated brand messaging framework.

Now you can now craft a concise, differentiated messaging framework to inject into all of your SEO prospecting messaging and creative.

This includes:

  • Positioning statement: 3-4 sentences that encapsulate your uniqueness.
  • Value proposition pillars: 3-5 key benefits and outcomes you deliver.
  • Brand tonality and personality traits: your distinctive voice/vibe.
  • Differentiated naming conventions: names for your SEO company offerings, IP, etc.

For example, your positioning statement for local businesses could be:

"XYZ is the one of the few SEO companies that effectively combines advanced machine learning with proprietary IP for geolocalized keyword footprint analysis. This allows us to reverse engineer and replicate your competitors' local SEO strategies at scale, systematically siphoning away their highest-ROI local traffic sources in any city across the globe."

You'd accompany that with 3-5 value proposition pillars that drive home your unique SEO service:

"Location-Specific Keyword Maps // Competitor Leapfrogging Algorithms // City-Level Backlink Engines // Localized On-Page Optimization // IP-Powered Local Citation Management"

That cohesive positioning and messaging foundation allows you to bypass the "just another SEO expert / agency" trap.

Find Triggers to Land New SEO Clients

Trigger events are the holy grail for landing SEO clients. Generic cold outreach will get ignored. Your agency needs to identify when potential SEO clients are practically waving a white flag saying "We need SEO services!"

These trigger moments are when companies experience internal shifts or external factors that expose an acute need to revamp their SEO strategy and bring in specialist help.

Some of the most potent triggers that should be on your radar include:

  • New Website Launches or Overhauls: There are always technical SEO issues and content gaps galore with new websites. You can swoop in with a free SEO audit showing how to crush it out of the gates.
  • Rebranding Efforts: When companies rebrand, their entire digital presence gets thrown out of whack.
  • Flat-Lining Website Traffic or Social Media Engagement: If you notice a company's organic website traffic or social media engagement have stagnated, that's a huge green light. Clearly their current SEO efforts are failing to move the needle.
  • Major Org Changes: Any time there are big organizational events like funding rounds, mergers or major strategy resets, you can bet SEO will get re-evaluated.
  • New Product/Market Launches: Expanding into new product lines or geographic target market always leaves companies scrambling for ways to increase digital discoverability.

While those are some of the biggest, most obvious triggers, you also need to adapt your triggers based on the specific niche and industry you serve. For example, in highly regulated sectors like healthcare or finance, any compliance or regulatory updates create SEO vulnerabilities for affected companies that need to be addressed ASAP.

The possibilities are endless once you start thinking about all the potential "trigger" scenarios where your SEO expertise can provide massive value for potential clients.

So how do you efficiently monitor and identify these incredibly valuable trigger events? That's where tapping into the awesome scale of AI-powered prospect research becomes a total game-changer.

With tools like LavaReach, you can easily set up custom workflows to mine sources like:

  • Google Alerts for branded keywords, product updates, PR announcements, etc.
  • Earnings calls and investor communications for future roadmaps and initiatives
  • Review sites for spikes in negative sentiment and brand reputation issues
  • Niche publications, blogs and forums in your industry
  • Social media platforms like LinkedIn for personnel moves and org changes
  • Job boards to spot major hiring sprees or freezes at companies
  • Data providers like Crunchbase for funding rounds, M&A, leadership changes

AI then analyzes and prioritizes the hottest SEO leads based on your specified criteria.

From there, the LavaReach platform allows you to instantly drill into those triggered accounts, enrich the lead data with other contextual signals, and craft hyper-personalized outreach messages that directly address their specific trigger event.

It makes your outbound prospecting ridiculously efficient by cutting out all the noise and random cold outreach. You're catching potential clients at their exact moment of need for SEO services.

Build Social Proof and Credibility to Attract Clients

Why is social proof so critical? Because SEO is still perceived as a "black box" for many businesses. They struggle to gauge an agency's actual capabilities beyond simple vanity metrics like traffic and rankings. Social proof is the great equalizer that demonstrates your expertise and gives potential SEO clients the confidence to engage.

There are several key forms of social proof you'll want to put on display:

1. Case studies.

Nothing sells your SEO services better than detailed success stories.

Your case studies should go deep on:

  • The initial challenges, objectives and KPIs for the engagement
  • Unique high-level SEO strategy
  • Any proprietary tools/technology leveraged
  • Quantitative results and ROI delivered
  • Qualitative feedback and testimonials from the client

Don't settle for generic fluff pieces. These need to be gritty, transparent narratives that demonstrate your end-to-end expertise and creativity in action. They help potential clients imagine what that transformation could look like for their own business.

2. Client testimonials.

Having your own clients rave about the quality of your SEO work is the most powerful forms of social proof by far. But don't just include short text blurbs. Try to get your clients on video actually speaking about their experience for maximum credibility.

I also recommend you strategically leverage third-party review sites like You should have no issue getting authentic reviews from your clients.

3. Add reputation signals to your website and social media.

While self-proclaimed SEO "awards" are often meaningless, earning recognition like Search Engine Land Awards adds exclusivity.

4. Proprietary tools and assets.

If your SEO agency has invested in developing proprietary technology, frameworks or other assets that augment your services, make sure you're showcasing these assets.

5. Specific niche publications.

Being featured in mainstream media not only increases your brand's recognition, but adds another layer of third-party credibility to your expertise. Maybe it's being quoted by a top SEO publication or being featured on industry podcasts.

The more angles of social proof you can assemble, the more you de-risk potential SEO clients taking a chance on working with your agency. The goal is to eliminate any doubts through a mountain of credible evidence showcasing your track record of success.

Along with integrating social proof into your sales collateral and prospecting assets, you'll also want to build it directly into your SEO lead generation campaigns. For example:

  • Include case study teasers and stats in your cold email outreach to hook prospects
  • Highlight client testimonials and reviews in prospecting landing page creative
  • Feature your agency's awards and publicity in retargeting ad messaging
  • Have clients directly provide video testimonials in your campaigns

Social proof is the great equalizer that allows you to differentiate your SEO agency even in oversaturated, competitive markets. When potential SEO clients are evaluating you against other options, a lack of credible proof points will always give them hesitation. Don't deprive yourself of these mission-critical assets.

Conduct Potential Clients Research at Scale

Simply having basic company details like name, location and website isn't going to cut it. Any semi-decent SEO agency can find that. To capture attention and convert those potential SEO clients, you need to dig deeper.

  • Their Biggest Challenges and Pain Points: What are the specific digital marketing deficiencies, technical hangups or competitive threats causing them major headaches? An underperforming website, swiss cheese backlink profile or subpar content strategy?
  • Their Priorities and Initiatives: What are the core goals and strategic initiatives the company is prioritizing over the next 6-12 months? Expanding into a new target market, boosting conversions, improving local presence?
  • Their Decision Makers and Processes: Who are the key player(s) you need to get buy-in from and what's their typical process for vetting and selecting new vendors like an SEO agency?
  • The seemingly small things: New product launches, recent PR milestones, future roadmap plans - any nuggets you can use for personalized conversation starters.

This level of granular SEO prospect research allows you to go way beyond generic "We can increase your traffic and rankings" pitches that get tuned out. Instead, you'll be able to crafting hyper-personalized, insight-driven messages that make them sit up and go "Whoa, these guys really get our business."

But uncovering these valuable nuggets in an efficient, scalable way has always been the major blocker for digital marketing agencies trying to level up their prospecting. Doing in-depth manual research on every prospect is impossibly time-consuming and expensive.

This is where AI can help a lot. While most prospecting tools add basic AI automation and personalization (which, let's be honest, often comes off as spammy), next-generation AI solutions like LavaReach use advanced technology to help you get more SEO clients.

Through custom-built AI workflows, you can instantly scrape critical insights about potential clients. Here are some examples:

  • Website and social media marketing data: Crawling a prospect's website and social media marketing channels to analyze things like website health, backlink quality, content strategy, brand messaging and more.
  • Competitor research: Getting granular competitive intelligence on how a prospect stacks up against key players in areas like share of voice, on-site experience, local listings penetration, etc.
  • Industry trends monitoring: Proactively surfacing any major updates, news or emerging trends within a prospect's industry that may impact their digital strategy.
  • Review and reputation analysis: Keeping a constant pulse on customer reviews, sentiment analysis and brand reputation factors that often spur SEO revamps.
  • Financial and funding data: Tracking earnings reports, investor communications and other money moves that signal potential digital transformation budgets.

Put simply, you'll have AI doing the heavy lifting to generate robust prospect profiles packed with insights, challenges, executives to target, etc. It's this "How did you possibly know all of this?" type of reaction that supercharges conversions and lets you blow past those outdated SEO agencies still stuck in 2010.

Reach Out to Qualified Leads

Your initial outreach needs to pack a massive punch right off the bat. The goal is to deliver a lightning bolt of relevance that instantly grabs their attention.

This is where all that upfront work pays off. Thanks to your granular buyer personas and research insights, you can craft hyper-personalized outreach that demonstrates a true understanding of their world.

Step #1 - For example, your initial cold email to the VP of Marketing at a SaaS company might open with:

"I noticed {COMPANY} recently raised a {$X} funding round to accelerate go-to-market efforts for your new {PRODUCT} offering. With the increased investment and headcount planned, it's the perfect time to align your demand gen engine with a revamped SEO strategy..."

Step #2 - You'd then touch on your research into their existing digital presence, highlighting specific areas of opportunity you identified like:

"My team's initial analysis also uncovered some low-hanging fruit to increase your share of voice and search engine visibility against competitors like {COMPETITOR 1} and {COMPETITOR 2}..."

Step #3 - From there, you can outline a mutual plan of action with an enticing lead magnet like a free SEO audit or consultation:

"We'd be happy to run a comprehensive free SEO audit to model out the potential impact on areas like organic traffic, conversion rates, and projected pipeline value from our recommended SEO game plan..."

See how this approach is a million times more compelling than generic pitches about increased traffic and rankings? You're leading with research-backed insights tailored to their unique situation and must-win strategic priorities.

Of course, you don't want to rely on just one outreach channel. Your chances of breaking through only increase with a multi-channel cadence that potential clients can't ignore.

For example, you may kick things off with some personalized cold emails or LinkedIn outreach. Then you can follow up with personalized video messages reiterating your core pitch and touching on any other standout research findings. Maybe you uncover their CMO's LinkedIn activity shows heavy interest in AI content tools. That's a perfect value-add to weave in!

From there, you may retarget them with hyper-relevant ads (retargeting is generally very cost effective) showcasing your expertise and successful case studies in their specific niche. Perhaps you upload custom audiences into LinkedIn and run advertising highlighting your industry credentials.

Honestly, the possibilities are endless for creative multi-channel plays, BUT the key is leading with relevance and value.

Measure and Optimize Your SEO Lead Generation Strategy

If you're not rigorously tracking the right performance metrics, analyzing attribution data and gathering continuous feedback, you'll just be prospecting in the dark. You need quantitative insights to really understand what's working, what's not, and where to double-down your efforts.

So what are the mission-critical SEO lead generation metrics and KPIs your agency should be measuring? At a minimum:

  • SEO Qualified Lead Volumes - This is the crucial top-line indicator that all your SEO lead gen strategies and tactics should be aimed at increasing over time. How many sales-qualified SEO leads are being generated each month/quarter?
  • SEO Lead Conversion Rates - Beyond just total lead volumes, you need to track conversion rates at each prospecting stage (open rates, reply rates, opportunity creation, pipeline, etc.).
  • SEO Lead Acquisition Costs - It's also very important to understand your actual SEO lead acquisition costs holistically and at a campaign level. This will help identify your most cost-effective outreach channels and optimize your SEO lead gen budget.
  • Client Acquisition Rates - What percentage of your SEO leads you actually convert to an SEO contract?
  • New Client Revenue and Lifetime Value - Of course, it's about more than just client acquisition volumes. What's the average new client revenue, retainer values, and projected lifetime value (LTV) being generated?

Knowing these numbers will help you determine not only your ROI but also help you optimize your SEO lead generation strategies. Here's how you can actually apply these insights:

  • If you notice your open and reply rates fall off a cliff after the first few touches, it may signal your messaging and/or creatives need to be refreshed to maintain attention.
  • If certain outreach channels are generating a disproportionate amount of SEO leads at significantly lower acquisition costs, you'd want to double down there, and trim the channels that are not as effective.
  • If your Proposal-to-Close conversion rates on SEO leads are underperforming, you may need to revisit your SEO service pricing strategy or maybe try additional nurturing campaigns.

The other critical piece is gathering feedback from your sales development team.

  • Which value proposition or messaging hooks are resonating most (or falling flat)
  • Common questions or objections you'll want to 100% incorporate into your prospecting content
  • Knowledge gaps or areas of confusion in your sales collateral (SEO still remains very confusing for many, especially when compared to traditional marketing)

You'd be stunned by how simple feedback mechanisms like these can help you improve your SEO lead gen strategy and tactics.

Get SEO Prospects
to Chase You

Provide value throughout your outreach with LavaReach's automated site audits.

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Get More SEO Leads with AI-Powered Prospecting

The innovations we've covered so far around leveraging AI are already game-changing for SEO agencies. But we're still just scratching the surface of how artificial intelligence will reshape and optimize the entire SEO lead generation lifecycle.

For example, AI-powered solutions like LavaReach can already dynamically monitor and score potential SEO clients based on an ever-expanding matrix of data signals. Not just the basic trigger events and prospect research that many SDR teams use today.

Imagine if an AI could do things like:

  • Monitor social media and online activity to identify surging interest and conversations around SEO services
  • Scan job postings for roles and responsibilities that indicate gaps in existing SEO capabilities
  • Scour review sites and online feedback channels for negative comments around site UX, traffic issues, etc.
  • Track leadership team and executive moves that often precipitate strategic pivots
  • Scrape industry publications, forums and communities for any hints of new SEO initiatives

And on and on. Essentially any conceivable data stream that provides intelligence into an organization's SEO needs.

That's just one narrow example of how AI can reshape SEO prospecting. We'll also see:

  • Fully Automated Prospecting Workflows: Rather than manually putting together disparate data sources and vendor tools, your entire SEO prospecting workflow will be handled by AI.
  • Continuous Creative Optimization: AI won't just handle the data crunching, it will also automatically test and improve your prospecting creatives based on real-time performance signals. Subject lines, messaging hooks, cold outreach sequences, etc.

The possibilities are both exciting and endless!

How to Find SEO Clients with LavaReach AI

Wouldn't you agree that the traditional approaches for SEO agencies to find and acquire new clients are extremely flawed? You're either spraying and praying with mass cold outreach devoid of any real personalization, or you're bogging down your sales team with painfully manual research into each prospect to enable tailored messaging.

The first path is a volume game that yields abysmal conversion rates as you fade into the noise. The latter is excruciatingly time-consuming, preventing your agency from operating at any real scale. It's a classic catch-22 that constraints business growth.

This is precisely why we created LavaReach - to obliterate these outdated, inefficient prospecting methods and equip SEO agencies with a modern AI-powered engine for landing SEO clients.

With LavaReach, you get the best of both worlds. The high-velocity of automated outbound paired with the relevance and personalization of granular, account-specific research. It's prospecting at its absolute peak.

Here's exactly how LavaReach revolutionizes your SEO lead generation workflows:

1. Hyper-targeted potential SEO client discovery.

Rather than just importing generic SEO lead lists, LavaReach allows you to get surgical about defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) based on key criteria like:

  • Company size, revenue, funding status
  • Target industries, sub-verticals and specializations
  • Specific geographic regions or locales
  • Existing website traffic levels
  • Current search rankings and SEO visibility

You can then have LavaReach's AI automatically generate curated prospect lists that match these precise ICP parameters. No more chasing ill-fitted companies outside your agency's core strengths and experience.

2. Automated SEO-specific data enrichment.

This is where the game really changes. Once you've built your ideal SEO client ICP list in LavaReach, our platform automatically enriches those prospect records with a wealth of relevant SEO data powered by our native integrations.

For example, you can ingest data streams like:

  • Current search rankings and visibility for each prospect's highest-priority keywords
  • Technical website performance and experience metrics (page speed, bounce rates, etc.)
  • Domain authority, backlink profiles, traffic analytics and more
  • Detailed website and content audits surfacing improvement opportunities

Essentially any SEO data asset that could bolster your positioning and demonstrate value is automatically populated at scale across your entire prospect list.

This enables true relevance and credibility instead of the generic, hit-or-miss messaging that plagues most outbound SEO campaigns. You're operating from a position of strength when you can reference granular data points about a prospect's current SEO posture right off the bat.

3. Intelligent AI personalization and outreach automation.

With your hyper-qualified SEO prospect lists enriched by account-specific data, LavaReach then hands the baton to our advanced AI Personalization engine to maximize conversions.

Using custom-trained AI models, you can automate the creation of personalized outreach messaging at scale that directly incorporates those unique SEO data points and insights. For example:

"I noticed your team's website is severely underperforming on high-value keywords like 'KEYWORD' with just X% visibility on Page 2 of Google. Our initial technical SEO audit also surfaced several on-page and UX issues that are likely hampering conversions..."

This level of relevance is a world away from generic pitches about generic traffic and rankings. You're leading with a prospect's specific deficiencies and priming them for your unique solution.

LavaReach's AI can dynamically personalize messages across any numbers of channels and formats:

  • Automated email drip campaigns
  • Multi-touch cadences spanning emails, LinkedIn, SMS, etc.
  • Personalized video outreach at scale
  • Customized retargeting ads focused on an individual's pain points

And based on real-time engagement signals, our system will automatically adapt and optimize messaging to maximize SEO lead conversion rates.

4. Full-funnel intelligence and visibility.

Of course, LavaReach doesn't just drive SEO leads into the top of your funnel and call it a day. Our platform provides full-funnel visibility, tracking, and analytics across each prospect's entire lifecycle journey.

You'll have unified dashboards illuminating engagement metrics, pipeline forecasting, projected client revenue and LTV data, AI-powered next-best action recommendations, and more.

This end-to-end intelligence enables your SEO agency to precisely measure performance, calculate ROI, and continually finetune your prospecting strategies based on what's actually moving the needle.

At the end of the day, LavaReach is designed to be your AI co-pilot for SEO client acquisition. A unified system that combines intelligent automation with human ingenuity to supercharge your deal flow.

No more toiling away with tedious, repetitive tasks and processes. With LavaReach's transformative AI, you're liberated to focus on higher-level strategy, client relationships, and creative ideation. All while having the sumo-power of cutting-edge technology at your disposal.

For SEO agencies tired of the frustrating limitations of legacy prospecting, LavaReach represents a bold step into the future of intelligent, automated SEO lead generation. It's how the elite, highest-growth agencies will be separating themselves from the pack.


How to target local SEO clients more effectively?

Target local SEO clients by optimizing for local keywords and engaging in local business communities on social media and marketing conferences. Offer free SEO audits to showcase your expertise in improving local search visibility. Use social media marketing to reach local businesses and build trust and authority.

How effective are marketing conferences in finding SEO clients?

Marketing conferences can be highly effective in finding SEO clients. They provide valuable networking opportunities to connect with potential clients interested in SEO services. Conferences also allow you to learn about the latest trends and strategies in the SEO industry, helping SEO agencies stay competitive.

How to stand out among other SEO agencies to attract clients?

To stand out among other SEO agencies and attract clients, showcase your unique expertise, success stories and client testimonials. Offer custom solutions, transparent reporting and exceptional service. Engage with potential clients through targeted outreach to demonstrate your agency's value proposition effectively.

How to persuade clients to choose annual over monthly SEO packages?

To persuade clients to choose annual over monthly SEO packages, emphasize long-term benefits and cost savings. Highlight how annual packages offer more comprehensive strategies and consistent results over time. Offer discounts or additional services and demonstrate the value of committing to a longer-term partnership.

Is doing free SEO site audits effective at attracting new clients?

Offering free SEO site audits is highly effective at attracting new clients. It display expertise, provides value upfront, and shows potential clients areas for improvement. This builds trust and often leads to conversion as clients see the benefits of investing in your SEO services after receiving free SEO audits.

Author Photo

Daniel Zhao is a multiple time founder with years of first-hand experience in B2B sales and revenue leadership. He has a consistent track record of helping companies experiment and implement outbound in SaaS and other industries. Throughout his career, Daniel has set up numerous outbound motions for the first time for companies that previously had not found success with sales led customer acquisition.